
Friday, January 27, 2012

A Moment of Weakness

Life has been hectic these past four weeks. Don't get me wrong, I love my little guy more than anything, but today I am feeling overwhelmed. I had a moment of weakness, and I broke down and cried.

Am I the only one who openly admits that having two babies under the age of two is tough?

I have been exploring the blog world, and have found some interesting reads. Most of the mom blogs I have come across are just amazing. These women seem to have everything together. They bake. They have creative crafts for their kids to do and fun things to educate them with. Their house seems spotless. And they have time to blog. How is this possible?? I can barely find 5 minutes to myself, much less find time to do something like blog.

I am slightly stressed and need to vent just a little. So here goes...

  • I feel like I am confined to the couch for a majority of the day. This little guy is on a 3 hour feeding schedule, and by the time he is done eating and burped, it seems like I get one thing done and then it is time for him to eat again.
  • Madeline, I think is going through some jealousy issues right now. Everytime Nolan is eating or getting attention from me, she cries screams at me. I try to give her attention and sometimes, it's just not good enough.
  • Having both of my babies cry/ scream at me at the same time is too much for me at times...
  • Especially on top of the dogs playing the "I have to go outside and come right back in every 5 minutes" game. Not fun.
  • I feel like I get nothing accomplished throughout the day.
  • Nolan is not sleeping through the night on a consistent basis yet. Needless to say, I am not getting much sleep. Or so it seems.
I have been working out with my husband on a daily basis, which seems to be a good stress reliever.

While this may not seem like a big deal to some, I am in need of some help, or advice really. I want to be that woman that has it all together. The woman who bakes, crafts, educates, cleans, blogs. I want to be, well, Super Mommy.

How do you ladies do it? How do you find time to do it all, and be great at it?

Thanks in advance :)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

WFMW: Organizing Gift Bags

I love purchasing gift bags with matching tissue paper for birthdays, graduations, weddings, and Christmas. What I don't love is how expensive these few things can get.

After receiving gifts, I neatly fold up the tissue paper and place the bags in my growing stash of gift bags. I looked into the closet the other day and woah! What a mess. My stash of bags was all over the floor, and not in any kind of order. at all. Something had to be done.

I purchased this gift bag organizer from The Container Store and went to work.

Such a huge improvement! Gift bags are not only off the floor, but also organized by category (birthday, baby, all purpose, Christmas, kids). AND there is room for the entire collection of tissue paper!

What organizational tips work for you?

Check out some other great tips here at We are THAT family .

Thursday, January 12, 2012

12 in 12

I have never really been big on New Year's resolutions. I can never seem to stick to them throughout the year. I do however like setting goals, and get a great sense of accomplishment by crossing things off of my "to do" list.

This year instead of making a resloution, I am going to challenge myself by completing 12 goals in 2012, thanks to inspiration found
here. 12 goals to be completed within the 12 months of the year. In order to try and hold myself accountable, I will update on the 12th of the month with my progress. I hope I can stick with this, as I'm actually a bit excited about being able to complete this.

1. Complete P90X at least once- 90 days of intense working out to lose those post baby lbs. I want 6 pack abs!!

2. Make some of the cool things I find online- Food items like French Toast Cupcakes, as well as crafty stuff. I also want to throw in learn how to sew under this goal. I made curtains for Nolan's room, and was surprised how fun I thought it was.

3. Pay off a credit card- As a major stress in my life, I would really like to be able to tackle this one. What a sense of accomplishment this will be!!

4. Start and hopefully complete baby books- I have made a DVD for Madeline's 1st birthday with TONS of pictures on it, but I still want to start a scrapbook for both her and Nolan.

5. Grow my blog- Starting with getting more consistent in my postings!

6. Get my house clean and organized- I find myself doing the same cleaning over and over and over again (thanks to having children). I take one step foward, and two steps back. Although chores like laundry and dishes are going to be done ALL. THE. TIME, I need to come up with a daily/ weekly chore list to really get things accomplished here.

7. Improve photography skills- Really learn and understand photography settings. "Play" with my 35mm

8. Have a monthly date night with Daryl- We have not focused on just us in awhile. I think it will be relaxing to just get out and not worry about the stress in our lives. Doesn't have to be anything fancy, just a chance for us to have some QT together.

9. Create and hang a black and white photo gallery- Home decor project to be done in the living room. Time to go through my pictures and keep an eye out for frames.

10. Train for and complete a race- A fun run? Half marathon? Triatlon? I just want to do participate in something competitive. Maybe Daryl and I can enter and participate in something together...

11. Hosts family nights- How about some quality family time.... movie nights? Game nights? Family fun with a little bit of friendly competition :)

12. Take family portraits- My family has doubled in size and I would love to have professional pictures done. You know, the ones where everyone has coordinating outfits, and there are shots of the whole family, just the kids, dad and son, mom and daughter.... the works! And I want them nicely framed so there is a cohesive, photo gallery feel to them.

These seem pretty managable right??

What about you? What are your goals for this year?
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